Access control: Physical Security as Critical as Online Safeguards

Adopting security best practices for both your organization’s physical locations and online presence can work wonders in building consumer confidence, alongside a host of additional benefits.

Most of us would readily identify greater safety as a key advantage of enhanced security, and it’s easy to see why: The introduction of measures such as ID cards allows you control over who can access your business. The inclusion of photographs on such cards adds an additional level of visual identification, grants you a greater ability to prevent card duplication and restricts unauthorized personnel from accessing your property.

Meanwhile, clients visiting your business can also feel reassured by ID card systems. Firstly, the very presence of an ID card system gives the impression of a business with some clout. Quite simply, the fact that your business requires ID cards suggests that it’s worth protecting and that you’re serious about taking care of both your company’s staff and assets.

Secondly, they provide a layer of trust. Think back to that little green padlock in your address bar; that symbol of security and legitimacy. ID cards work in much the same way: When your customer talks to a member of staff carrying an access control card, she can rest assured that she’s talking to a real representative of the business.

The cumulative impact of these benefits is to create an atmosphere where your staff feel safe and valued in their jobs, clients have confidence in your business and your company’s legitimacy is strengthened.

Here are a few concrete steps you can take to start ensuring your organization is secure.

Implement access control.
It goes without saying that one of the most effective ways to ensure your company’s security is controlling who gets in or out. Going beyond the traditional lock and key and investing in access control cards provides several advantages: For starters, they’re much harder to duplicate than physical keys. Additionally, should you need to remove access from a specific person, there’s no need to change the locks or give out a new entry code — just change the database, and everyone else can carry on using their cards as normal.

Use photo ID.
Including photos on your employees’ ID cards not only helps them feel like a valued member of the team; it also makes them clearly identifiable to customers as a part of the company. Photo ID also provides an additional layer of visual identification, enabling you to challenge visitors on site and check that no one’s in your building who shouldn’t be.

Easily identify visitors and contractors.
Visitors and contractors can also pose a high risk to your business if they are left to their own devices and allowed to wander the building or premises at ease. Making sure all visitors sign in upon arrival, and issuing them with a photo pass and lanyards is a straightforward and cost-effective procedure to implement.

Build a security culture among your team.
Technology is an important tool in your arsenal, but equally vital is that your employees have a strong knowledge of security procedures. First, keep your company safe by consulting security specialists to analyze your business’s needs. Create clear, actionable policies that your employees can follow — and make sure that these are communicated.

Following proper security procedures is a crucial step in building legitimacy and ensuring the long-term viability of your business. Getting it right is important — but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

About Sonitrol Great Lakes

As one of the nation’s largest commercial security companies, Sonitrol offers integrated security solutions, featuring a unique verified audio detection technology. Sonitrol provides businesses with a single source of state-of-the-art alarms for verified audio and video intrusion, as well as video surveillance, access control and fire detection, all backed with professional monitoring by experienced, trained personnel. Sonitrol Tri-County’s regional headquarters and state-of-the-art monitoring center are located in Grand Blanc, Mich. For more information, go to

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