Know the Facts: Fire Detection Safety

One of the most basic needs to protect our children while they are in school is a fire safety system. Children (and staff) spend the majority of their day inside a school building. Protecting them from fire is of the highest priority.

State and local authorities mandate fire safety systems in all school buildings. What we’ve found though is that these mandates often do not include a central monitoring system.

That leads to a huge gap in safety and security.

A central monitoring station will notify the local fire department in the case of a fire event. Alarms are good but if a fire occurs during non-school hours, the fire will rage until a passerby happens to notice it. Whether students and staff are in the classroom or home for the evening, a monitored fire detection system is your best and most important line of defense.

While not always mandated, a central monitoring system is becoming more common (for good reason) and being increasingly incorporated as a requirement by local authorities.

Even those authorities who do not require monitoring would be wise to consider central station monitoring—for the sake (and safety) of all school building inhabitants.

Finally, your fire alarm system should be inspected annually. An inspection will add a layer of confidence that your system will perform well on demand.

What about your school campus? Are all of the necessary fire precautions being implemented? Is your system monitored? When was the last time your system inspected?

Keep your campus safe. Make fire safety a high priority. Contact the experts at Sonitrol Great Lakes and ask for a free inspection of your school’s fire and safety systems today.

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