Stop shoplifting with these loss prevention tips

Shoplifting is the bane of every retail shop’s existence. It happens in exclusive boutiques, corner shops, department stores, and anywhere goods are available for sale.

With shoplifters accounting for about 1 in every 11 people, according to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), the right commercial security system can dramatically trim down the likelihood that your business will take a hit. And with some retail loss prevention best practices in place, your overall security plan will work a lot better.

Make employee training a priority
Security training and refresher training should be part of the job for every employee. That’s not to say that employees should help apprehend shoplifters. It’s just that with a clearer understanding of house policies, employees will have a keener eye for suspicious activity and know how to recognize risky situations, such as an unlocked display, that might invite theft.

Keep employees active in the store
In a simpler time, it was common for shopkeepers to greet patrons at or near the door. You should do this too. It gives your shop a friendlier face, and it also helps prevent people from slipping through the door unnoticed. Employees at the ready serve a few purposes. They offer personal assistance to paying customers, and their presence helps disrupt petty theft plans of people who aren’t there to buy.

Maintain good housekeeping
A clean and tidy retail environment can give your business a good name. It also deters crime and helps you notice crimes more quickly. Tidy shelves with all the products pulled toward the front edge look nice because the shelves always appear fully stocked. And if someone rakes a shelf or only picks up a few items, the empty space will be obvious.

Organize a safer floor plan
Store layout shouldn’t be random. Everything from the size and dimensions of display cases and shelves to the location of where those cases are located should help employees keep a watchful eye over as much of the store as possible. Tall cases block your view and give shoplifters some cover. They belong near the perimeter of the space. Shorter cases at the center of the space boost visibility throughout the store, giving shoplifters fewer spots to hide.

Start a bag check service
If your business has dressing rooms, you have the potential for theft. Few places in any store offer more cover or more time away from employee line of sight. With a bag check service, customers won’t have as much opportunity to tuck stolen goods in a bag. A strict “no bags in the dressing room” policy removes some of the opportunity for shoplifters. And with the right setup, such as small lockers by the attendant’s station, a bag check can feel more like a service than an inconvenience.

Install a comprehensive security system
With all the good practices for deterring crime, you still need great security. Sonitrol Great Lakes security systems are crafted from the ground up for each business. Yours won’t be identical to any other retail store because it’s designed for you.

We offer verified audio and verified video surveillance as well as access control, fire prevention and more. With audio, every square inch of your business is protected no matter where an intruder breaks in. With verified video, you get clear imaging that helps identify shoplifters and burglars. Contact us for a no-obligation security assessment.

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